Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Significant Other

She sits, waiting for the one she loves, but knows he does not love her. Last night, she waited more. She knows what he is doing, but wants to ignore it. Late nights and she knows he’s back to the same substance. Something she tried to keep away from him, but eventually gave up. She has a love who loves her far away, but something draws her to him; maybe his addiction, or maybe something else. But that she will never know. He shows up, walking through the door, stumbling and his eyes darting. She has given him plenty of chances, but now doesn’t have the energy to care. He comes home, what else can she ask of him? The pain, mixed with love is something she has tried to get away from, but keeps finding people to love and give her pain. Her mother was always in pain, and the pain spread throughout the family. Being released from that relationship gave her hope, but she finds another to fill that void in her heart and mind. Can love really last without some type of pain? She’s starting to be disenchanted with love, as a growing up romantic; she thought she would find a love for life, but has started to doubt the love in Disney movies. Those women never cried in pain for their love, but maybe they just didn’t show that part. She falls deeper into the pain of love, and finds herself ignoring the cares of the world. Falling into space she has felt before, the space which was filled with blades, and blood, and addiction of her own. Society tells us to find the soul-mate we apparently have out there, but should love radiate this kind of pain within a person?

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