Friday, February 5, 2010

Two Years

To this day, two years runs into me
My mind flushing with fear and regret

My life, Now, consistent and content
Two years ago, I considered life over

Life was over, mentally, before two years ago
Physical and mental me had not lined up

As I sit, glass at hand
My mind reverts

I wake to the sun, seeping through the window
The fresh scars on my wrist, a reminder
A reminder of the inevitable

For months I've been planning this day
I don't go
I don't talk
I don't move
I don't think
If I think, I fall even deeper

I cannot get out of bed
Although I've been sleeping most of the year

My body is heavy with my head
Pounding with what was soon to come

I think often about this day
This day soon to come

My life is isolated
I am alone, except for One

One who loves me, regardless of my darkness
While He does not understand, He knows

I have been off for a while
He can see the signs

Everyone in my life ignores them
The signs, I mean

I can never be the one
How can I be?

Two years doesn't seem that far
Am I healed?
